When greedy gujju fraudster R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel pays for only one domain, why is the indian internet sector falsely claiming that she owns the 400+ domains of the goa 1989 jee topper

Can google, tata, indian internet sector explain why their favorite greedy gujju fraudster R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel, who had no website till 2019 is an online expert

There is no doubt that CIA, its associate companies google, tata , favorite greedy gujju fraudster R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel are extremely ruthless GREEDY FRAUDS, LIARS, CYBERCRIMINALS HACKING the laptop, computers of the goan 1989 jee topper, kshatriya single woman domain investor, engineer to make FAKE CLAIMS about gujju fraudster asmita patel, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, sindhi scammer naina chandan and other well connected liar raw/cbi employees.
Like other google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees, greedy gujju fraudster R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel is least interested in spending any money in domains at all, managing websites.

Only in 2019, the domain ownership fraud of reedy gujju fraudster R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel was exposed, and she was forced to purchase her own domain legally, which she did for the first time. Other raw/cbi employees like robber riddhi nayak caro have not even purchased any domain legally in their life, since they do not want to spend time and money managing domains, they only want credit, MAKING FAKE CLAIMS.
Yet in the never ending frauds of the brahmin, bania, ntro/raw employees led by mhow monster puneet, the indian internet sector is falsely claiming that greedy gujju fraudster R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel with only one domain in her name, who has not paid any renewal fees, owns the domains, websites, of the goa 1989 jee topper who asmita patel hates, is not on talking terms with, to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the real domain investor, goa 1989 jee topper for the last ten years, denying the goa 1989 jee topper the income and opportunities she deserves, a life of dignity , while cheater asmita gets a monthly raw salary for MAKING FAKE CLAIMS