when their pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari sunaina chodan does not control any domain, why is ntro falsely claiming that the PROSTITUTE is a domain investor for 8 years to get a monthly raw salary

when their pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari sunaina chodan does not control any domain, why is ntro falsely claiming that the PROSTITUTE is a domain investor for 8 years to get a monthly raw salary
NTRO is the technical intelligence agency of india, and all technical intelligence agencies know that domain investors control the domains they pay for and invest in. Only in India, NTRO the technical intelligence agency of india, allegedly bribed by google, tata is falsely claiming that their pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari sunaina chodan who does not control any domain,yet ntro falsely claiming that the sunaina, the PROSTITUTE who never invested in domains, is a domain investor for 8 years to get a monthly raw salary at the expense of the real domain investor
The powerful fraud BRAHMIN LIAR SUGAR DADDIES mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan have been falsely claiming that pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari sunaina chodan, who is least interested in domains, will purchase the domains every year since 2010