Indicating the terrible plight of domain investors, especially single women domain investors, fraud it and internet companies, google, tata are rewarding those who commit crime on women domain investors, like robbing them with permanent R&AW jobs
Google, tata rewarded indore robber housewife deepika with R&AW job for robbing her relative, the domain investor who owns this blog, and are making fake claims that their favorite indore robber deepika , who does not pay for any domain, owns this domain to get her great powers, privileges.
Google, tata get permanent R&AW job for indore robber housewife deepika for ROBBING her relative, a domain investor
indicating the complete lack of ethis in thet indian intenet and It sector the shameless fraud companies Google, tata get permanent R&AW job for indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika who looks like actress deepika padukone for ROBBING her relative, a domain investor, single woman engineer and goa 1989 jee topper . the fraud liar google, tata employees who are rewarding crime and fraud on women indian paypal account holders with R&AW job are making fake stories of how their favorite robber deepika is keeping her house perfectly clean to justify the FINANCIAL, BANKING FRAUD on the domain investor since 2010
What these ROBBERY REWARDING LIAR fraud google, tata employees forget is that their favorite indore ROBBER deepika is paid Rs 30000, monthly only for keeping her house in perfect condition, cooking by her equally fraud husband mahesh who runs a business in indore, google, tata’s role model robber does no computer work at all, has no online income, no domain investment at all
on the other hand, the domain investor has no one who is paying her for housekeeping, her only source of income is the computer work, and she is spending 8-10 hours daily doing the computer work, so she has no time for housekeeping
Indicating the rampant financial fraud, ntro , raw, cbi are falsely claiming that their favorite indore robber R&AW employee deepika , who has no online income, in her income tax returns, owns the paypal, bank account of her relative who she robbed
The indore robber R&AW employee deepika has not opened the paypal, bank account, cannot use it, yet cbi, raw, ntro, indian and madhya pradesh government continue their financial fraud. The indore robber deepika and her associates also do not pay or control any domain except for 27 .in domains with Nixi due to the dispute with Mitsu
Hence this is posted as a fraud alert so that people, companies and countries are aware that indore robber R&AW employee deepika is only paid a monthly government salary only for robbing her relative, the domain investor, she does not pay for or control any domain, and she also does not have any online income at all, since R&AW is duping countries, companies and people worldwide