Monthly Archives: February 2020

Google, tata rewarding housewives who rob single women domain investors with R&AW jobs

Indicating the terrible plight of domain investors, especially single women domain investors, fraud it and internet companies, google, tata are rewarding those who commit crime on women domain investors, like robbing them with permanent R&AW jobs
Google, tata rewarded indore robber housewife deepika with R&AW job for robbing her relative, the domain investor who owns this blog, and are making fake claims that their favorite indore robber deepika , who does not pay for any domain, owns this domain to get her great powers, privileges.

Google, tata get permanent R&AW job for indore robber housewife deepika for ROBBING her relative, a domain investor
indicating the complete lack of ethis in thet indian intenet and It sector the shameless fraud companies Google, tata get permanent R&AW job for indore robber housewife bespectacled deepika who looks like actress deepika padukone for ROBBING her relative, a domain investor, single woman engineer and goa 1989 jee topper . the fraud liar google, tata employees who are rewarding crime and fraud on women indian paypal account holders with R&AW job are making fake stories of how their favorite robber deepika is keeping her house perfectly clean to justify the FINANCIAL, BANKING FRAUD on the domain investor since 2010
What these ROBBERY REWARDING LIAR fraud google, tata employees forget is that their favorite indore ROBBER deepika is paid Rs 30000, monthly only for keeping her house in perfect condition, cooking by her equally fraud husband mahesh who runs a business in indore, google, tata’s role model robber does no computer work at all, has no online income, no domain investment at all
on the other hand, the domain investor has no one who is paying her for housekeeping, her only source of income is the computer work, and she is spending 8-10 hours daily doing the computer work, so she has no time for housekeeping
Indicating the rampant financial fraud, ntro , raw, cbi are falsely claiming that their favorite indore robber R&AW employee deepika , who has no online income, in her income tax returns, owns the paypal, bank account of her relative who she robbed
The indore robber R&AW employee deepika has not opened the paypal, bank account, cannot use it, yet cbi, raw, ntro, indian and madhya pradesh government continue their financial fraud. The indore robber deepika and her associates also do not pay or control any domain except for 27 .in domains with Nixi due to the dispute with Mitsu

Hence this is posted as a fraud alert so that people, companies and countries are aware that indore robber R&AW employee deepika is only paid a monthly government salary only for robbing her relative, the domain investor, she does not pay for or control any domain, and she also does not have any online income at all, since R&AW is duping countries, companies and people worldwide

when their pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari sunaina chodan does not control any domain, why is ntro falsely claiming that the PROSTITUTE is a domain investor for 8 years to get a monthly raw salary

when their pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari sunaina chodan does not control any domain, why is ntro falsely claiming that the PROSTITUTE is a domain investor for 8 years to get a monthly raw salary
NTRO is the technical intelligence agency of india, and all technical intelligence agencies know that domain investors control the domains they pay for and invest in. Only in India, NTRO the technical intelligence agency of india, allegedly bribed by google, tata is falsely claiming that their pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari sunaina chodan who does not control any domain,yet ntro falsely claiming that the sunaina, the PROSTITUTE who never invested in domains, is a domain investor for 8 years to get a monthly raw salary at the expense of the real domain investor
The powerful fraud BRAHMIN LIAR SUGAR DADDIES mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan have been falsely claiming that pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari sunaina chodan, who is least interested in domains, will purchase the domains every year since 2010

can ntro explain why their favorite goan PROSTITUTES goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar who they falsely claim are domain investors, do not control any domain

NTRO has given great powers, and a R&AW job for their goan PROSTITUTES goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar and they falsely claim that they are domain investors to justify the great powers, the goan prostitutes have for the last 10 years

However though the indian and goan government, ntro, raw, cbi are making fake claims, the goan PROSTITUTES goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar do not control any domain at all, since they do not pay for the domains
worldwide only a person who is paying and controlling domains is considered a domain investor
Ntro is hounding real women domain investors for ten years, why does no one ask ntro why they are falsely claiming that prostitutes own domain names . Why is ntro not officially and honestly admitting that sunaina, siddhi are only prostitutes, offering sex services
Why are the prostitutes given so many powers, including robbing the correspondence of the real domain investor for ten years without a court order or legally valid reason.

Indian internet sector HUMILIATES, CHEATS, EXPLOITS single women domain investors,makes FAKE CLAIMS about PROSTITUTES, ROBBERS, FRAUDS

Indian internet sector HUMILIATES, CHEATS, EXPLOITS single women domain investors,makes FAKE CLAIMS about PROSTITUTES, ROBBERS, FRAUDS
Internet companies worldwide should be aware that due to the worsening condition of women in india, it can be legally proved that the Indian internet sector HUMILIATES, CHEATS, EXPLOITS women domain investors actually paying for domains, makes FAKE CLAIMS that goan, gujju PROSTITUTES, ROBBERS, FRAUD raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, do not control the domains, are domain investors to pay all the frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the real woman domain investor.

The indian government propaganda machinery controlled by google, tata is also duping companies, countries and people worldwide with their fake claims about domain ownership, though intelligence and security agencies worldwide are aware of the fact that the domains are controlled by a private citizen, not a raw or cbi employee, since they are full of disclaimers protesting the government fraud since the domains are expensive.

However ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees are shameless frauds and liars, they will continue making fake claims, to dupe gullible people, who do not know the facts of the case, so the domain investor is forced to post disclaimers repeatedly since she is denied the right to a life of dignity due to the CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of the liar government agencies

no one questions the SHAMELESS LIAR CHEATER google, tata employees on their FRAUD of linking domain ownership to house cleanliness for ten years

RUTHLESS LIAR CHEATER google, tata employees are openly involved in one of the greatest domain, FINANCIAL FRAUDS on a older single woman domain investor bribing the indian government to dupe companies, countries and people that google, tata sponsored sex service providers, robbers, cheaters and frauds who did not pay any money for domains at all, owned the domains of a single woman engineer to pay all the frauds monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the domain investor
In addition to making it very difficult to sell domains, google, tata also blocked advertising with their fake stories of domain advertising, causing great losses to the real domain investor
one of the biggest ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUDS is how the Google, tata, indian government are comparing the houses of lazy greedy mediocre housewives like nayanshree hathwar and call girls with no online income, no online investment with single women domain investors to pay all these fraud housewives, call girls a monthly raw/cbi salary and also dupe countries worldwide with FAKE CLAIMS about these lazy greedy housewives, that they own the domains of single women
Google, tata, indian government forget that housewives are paid for housekeeping, cleaning by their husbands, usually Rs 30000 monthly, no one pays single women domain investors for keeping the house in perfect condition
The call girl raw employees siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan are paid for their sex, honeytrapping services, and this was confirmed on quora by a associate of R&AW
The single woman has to work for 8-10 hours to make money, and if she has free time, she will do the housework
So it is not fair on the part of the indian government, google, tata to compare the condition of the houses of housewives who are paid money monthly by their well paid husbands with single women who have almost no free time, since they do computer work to make some money yet are CRIMINALLY DEFAMAED by the LIAR FRAUD intelligence and security agencies, google, tata employees, especially in goa
Some women have extremely rich husbands working abroad in ships or foreign companies,and can keep 3-4 servants in their house paying salaries of Rs 40000 monthly to the servants, so why will these women bother to spend 8-10 hours daily doing computer work, can the intelligence and security agencies explain.

NTRO refuses to question Panaji’s SHAMELESS LIAR gujju FRAUDSTER brothers raw/cbi employees bearded nikhil, karan on their domain ownership fraud

These fraud LIAR panaji security agencies are taking massive CASH BRIBES from the cheater husband of panaji’ top gujju sex service provider naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh and falsely claim that panaji sex queen naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan who do no computer work,do not invest any money in domains, own the paypal, bank account of the domain investor to get the panaji gujju SEX QUEEN naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons bearded nikhil, karan, a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the real domain investor who the SHAMELESS LIAR gujju panaji fraudster family HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME

R&AW/cbi/ntro are the most dishonest and shameless LIAR intelligence agencies in the world, blindly believing the complete lies of the SHAMELESS LIAR gujju panaji fraudster family of SEX QUEEN naina chandan who do not pay or control any domain, yet falsely claim to own them to get monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the real domain investor for more than 7 years in a massive BANKING, ON .

NTRO has been hounding the real domain investor, a single woman engineer for ten years falsely claiming that they are worried about honesty, not a single person has the courage or humanity to ask shamelesss young panaji gujju fraudster raw/cbi employees bearded nikhil, karan about their domain ownership, banking fraud for the last 7 years,why the section 420 fraud gujju brothers karan, nikhil are making FAKE CLAIMS about owning the bank account of a single woman engineer to get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the engineer

when their LAZY GREEDY LIAR FRAUD employees nikhil, karan, are not on talking terms with the domain investor, are not doing any computer work, are not hiring anyone, why R&AW/cbi not honest that karan, nikhil are paid government salaries only for the SEX SERVICES provided by their school dropout mother naina chandan which top raw employees like tushar parekh cannot live without
It is time that the indian and goan government is honest about the sex services of naina chandan, and the real reason why she and her sons are getting monthly government salaries instead of defaming the real domain investor.