ICANN should be aware of indian, madhya pradesh government domain FINANCIAL fraud on single woman engineer for 10 years bribed by google,tata making fake claims

Bribed by the sundar pichai led google, tata, the indian government continues with the worlds greatest domain fraud making a single woman engineer spend her time and money paying for domain names, managing them, and then DUPING domain registrars, registries and ICANN that the domains belong to a indore robber housewife deepika who has never paid any money on domain names in her life, to pay the indore robber a monthly raw salary at the expense of the real domain investor who has very less money because of the financial fraud for 10 years

This indian government domain fraud has caused great financial losses to the real domain investor, she cannot even afford a new television, since almost all her income goes to pay the Rs 4 lakh for domain renewals
On the other hand, the indore robber housewife deepika does not have to spend any money on domain names, and additionally is getting a monthly salary, because the fraud indian government and is LIAR SECTION 420 FRAUD BRIBE TAKING officials are falsely claiming that the indore robber owns domains after getting massive BRIBES from the indore housewife deepika and her husband mahesh
Because of the indian government domain fraud on the engineer, the indore robber leads a very lavish life, making trips to foreign countries regularly, installing the latest gadgets in her house like amazon alexa

hence icann should be aware that the indian government is openly involved in massive financial fraud on domain investors in india falsely claiming that robber housewives, call girls and other fraud raw/cbi employees, who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of citizens who the raw/cbi employees have robbed, cheated or defamed to pay them monthly raw/cbi salaries while the real domain investor is criminally defamed in the worst possible manner