Monthly Archives: May 2018

Google,tata falsely claiming goan prostitutes are domain investors to avoid paying call girl expenses

Many offline businesses supply call girls and sex workers to government employees, potential customers as bribes, however most businesses are paying the high call girl, sex worker. charges from their own profit, treating it as a business expense. However in a brilliantly evil google,tata masterminded financial fraud in the indian internet sector, these companies have managed to manipulate the government and system in India, so that the indian tax payer is paying all these business expenses for these fraud internet and it companies.

For example google, tata are supplying the lazy greedy goan prostitutes sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar to top ntro, cbi, raw, indian government employees for sex as bribes to the top government employees, to control these powerful indian government employees, ensure that they abuse their great discretionary powers, to take decisions which will benefit these large companies. For example top officials are making fake allegations without any proof against the domain investor since 2010, to defame, cheat and exploit her.

The shameless liar cheater employees of google, tata are falsely promoting goan sex workers, bribe givers and relatives of top government officials, who do not do any work online, do not invest any money online, as domain investors, online experts, to get all these lazy greedy frauds lucrative R&AW/cbi jobs with great powers, monthly salary, at the expense of the real domain investor who is working like a slave and not getting anything.

The money trail/bank details, income tax returns will legally prove that the google,tata employees are liars, cheaters, involved in a financial fraud, yet the incompetent and corrupt indian government blindly believes in the complete lies of the fraud google,tata employees, hiring permanent employees based on these lies. Google, tata’s sex, bribery racket started in 2010, these fraud companies make millions of dollars in profit, yet they refuse to legally purchase the domains for their favorite goan prostitutes, frauds like goan gsb cheater housewife cbi employeeriddhi nayak.

The real domain investor is not benefiting in any way, so there is no reason why she should tolerate, google,tata’s fraud of falsely associating their favorite goan prostitutes, frauds with her, when these companies are falsely promoting prostitutes, frauds as domain investors only to avoid paying call girl fees and other bribery expenses

Billion dollar companies google, tata involved in domain fraud, refusing to purchase domain names legally

The domain investor is now marking the 8 anniversary of google, tata’s great PROSTITUTION, BRIBERY RACKET,identity theft , financial fraud , yet the fraud companies google, tata making millions of dollars in profit refuse to legally purchase the domain names, websites legally for the lazy greedy goan prostitutes , frauds they have got R&AW/cbi jobs falsely claiming that these sex workers, frauds who do not spend any money online, are domain investors

IT and internet companies like google,tata are the greatest financial fraudsters in the world,making millions of dollars in profit, yet refuse to legally purchase the domain names, websites legally for the lazy greedy goan prostitutes , frauds they are promoting as domain investors,online experts so that the prostitutes and frauds get a monthly R&AW/cbi salaries at the expense of the real domain investor

google, tata are supplying the lazy greedy goan prostitutes sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar to top ntro, cbi, raw, indian government employees for sex as bribes to the top government employees and to avoid paying the sex workers their fees from the profit they are making, google, tata are falsely claiming that that the sex workers are online experts , domain investors

These sex workers, frauds are getting a monthly government salary at the expense of the domain investor, the domain investor is getting nothing, so there is no reason why google, tata, indian and goan government should falsely associates their favorite prostitutes, frauds with her

Any help to make Google, tata making millions of dollars in profit, to legally purchase the domain names, websites legally for the lazy greedy goan prostitutes , fraud R&AW/cbi employees they are promoting as domain investors,online experts will be appreciated

Brahmin cheater, liar NTRO employees falsely claim that repeating lies makes their favorite google,tata supplied goan bhandari PROSTITUTE offering sex services, an online expert,domain investor

When google,tata supplied lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc , siddhi mandrekar , riddhi nayak, indore fraud veena, asmita patel, naina, nayanshree hathwar and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree had not invested any money in domain names, the Brahmin cheater, liar NTRO employees led by the light eyed domlur director puneet, j srinivasan had no right to falsely claim that these sex workers, cheater housewives who did not invest any money online, have not made any money online, were domain investors, online experts to get these 10 lazy greedy google,tata sponsored frauds, sex workers, a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor

The shameless fraud brahmin ntro employees puneet, j srinivasan are very status conscious and will not communicate with their btech 1993 ee classmate, the real domain investor and google competitor in the last 25 years, who these ntro employees hate and consider her low status . Most people who are status conscious at least have the honesty and decency not to use the name of a person who they consider low status, will not interfere in the persons life , however the ntro employees led by puneet are shameless greedy, cunning cheaters, liars who are ruthless in destroying the life of their female engineering classmate who they hate

However in a major real estate, financial, online fraud in panaji, goa these fraud ntro employee falsely claim to know their btech 1993 ee classmate very well, so that they can misuse her name, steal her resume, savings, memory, correspondence for their favorite goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, supplied by google, tata to top indian government employees for sex , so that goan bhandari sex worker gets a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of their classmate without doing any work, without spending any money

Now the cheater liar ntro employees j srinivasan, puneet think that just because they repeated lies their favorite google,tata supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan, offering sex services to ntro , government employees , automatically owns the domains of their classmate, when legally sunaina has not paid a single paisa for the domains and does not control them.

If cheater liar brahmin fraud j srinivasan, puneet were really honest, they would have used their salary money and savings to legally purchase the domains for their favorite goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan 2013 bsc and get the domains legally transferred to their favorite PROSTITUTE sunaina. In reality the ntro employees are shameless liars, cheaters so they are putting the real domain investor under surveillance and falsely claiming that the favorite goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan who is not doing any work online, is working online, owning domain names, to defame and deny the real domain investor, the income and opportunities she deserved

Can the ntro employees explain in an open debate how repeating lies makes their favorite google,tata supplied goan bhandari PROSTITUTE offering sex services, an online expert,domain investor legally, and why are they abusing their powers to make fake claims about domain ownership, defaming, cheating and exploiting the real domain investor?

10 google,tata sponsored fraud R&AW/cbi employees faking domain ownership are like the goan government refusing to pay dues

The goan newspapers reported that the director of healthcare in goa, Dr Dalvi was assaulted by a doctor Dr Venkatesh because the goan government refused to pay the doctor Rs 70 lakh in dues. The goan government is full of financial fraudsters like pritesh chodankar, nayak, caro, mandrekar, who refuse to acknowledge the financial rights of other citizens and falsely claim that their lazy greedy sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud relatives , friends own the bank account , domain name including this one of the google competitor .

This again highlights the great R&AW/cbi, google, tata, NTRO goan financial fraud since 2010 of falsely claiming that 10 google, tata sponsored goan sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees who do not spend any money online,do not any work online, are domain investors owning the domains of a private citizen, when there is no connection at all, so that all the google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees get a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the domain investor who is actually spending her time and money online.

The top officials in goa are extremely dishonest liars and cheaters openly involved in banking, financial fraud, falsely claiming that their lazy greedy sex worker, fraud relatives, friends including indore document robber veena and other raw/cbi employees , who do not have a paypal account own the bank account of the google competitor. The biggest problem is that these goan officials refuse to acknowledge that they have made a mistake, and have no right to make fake claims about the bank account defaming the google competitor, falsely claim that their prostitute, extortionist relatives, friends own the bank account.

In other states, the top officials have some honesty and they will atleast acknowledge the bank account holder, business owner, however the top goan officials like pritesh chodankar, nayak, caro, mandrekar, hathwar, kodancha are such shameless cheaters and liars that they continue to make fake claims though bank details, income tax returns will easily and legally prove that their relatives like google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees goan bhandari sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, 2012 goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, indore document robber veena, shivalli brahmin housewife nayanshree hathwar and other frauds are only sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds

NTRO employees sexually harass women domain investors, stealing their memory to get sex, money bribes

In a clear case of sexual harassment, discrimination, fraud ntro employees led by j srinivasan, puneet,vijay are only stealing the memory of harmless indian women domain investors, falsely labelling them a security threat without any proof,to get sex, money bribes, when they do not steal the memory of male domain investors, owning far more domain names

Since 2010, ntro employees led by the cheater puneet, j srinivasan, have stolen the memory of a harmless engineer, google competitor, falsely labelling her a security threat only because she owns some domain names . However there are many male indian domain investors who are having more domain names and are not subjected to memory reading or other similar human rights abuses in a clear case of discriminationFor example in the namepros thread ,

rohitgoyal has openly stated that he owns 1000 domains, and he recently registered 200 .com domains at a time . The google competitor has only approximately 500 domains, far less than rohitgoyal, yet she alone is selectively targetted for memory reading, theft, causing great losses, health problems, insomnia for more than 8 years, in a clear case of discrimination

Can ntro employees led by brahmin cheater puneet explain in an open debate why male indian domain investors are not subjected to memory reading despite owning 1000 domains, while a harmless single woman engineer owning less domains, a private citizen is subjected to memory reading/ theft causing great losses.