While searching for a living arrangement after my girlfriend and I broke up, a friend told me that I should think about a luxury spot. I was certain that I wouldn’t be able to pay the rent for any of the luxury apartments in Charlotte NC, but once I saw the prices, I was shocked at how low they actually were. They were well within reason for my budget, and I was suspicious about it. Usually when a price is that good, there has to be some kind of caveat attached to it, but in this case, everything was on the level.
As soon as I moved into my new luxury apartment, my ex-girlfriend called me on my cell phone. She wanted to have a meeting with me at a local coffee shop to talk about things. I thought things were pretty much over between us, and I didn’t really have any desire to rekindle things, but I was willing to talk with her. We met later that day, and when I saw my ex, she looked different from the last time I saw her. Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me, but she looked better before we broke up.
We talked about our lives, where I was living, and pretty much every thing else. We didn’t get back together, but she did apologize for how things ended between us, and I accepted. It’s not really easy for someone to get over someone else cheating on you, but the longer I held a grudge about it, the more it would eat me up inside. After that, I went back to my apartment. I don’t see my ex that much since the meeting, but occasionally I’ll see her online and she’ll send me a message when she wants to chat.