India is the largest exporter of ceos in the world, because the shameless fraud top ntro, cbi, raw, security agency employees are extremely corrupt shameless liars and frauds who specialize in destroying the life of honest, hardworking , brilliant indian citizens.
The terrible atrocities and great fraud of top indian government employees on india’s largest female domain investor, a google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai is a clear indication of the reason why most brilliant hardworking students from top colleges leave India to go to foreign countries and flourish there.
In 2017, the indian government falsely claims sex workers, cheater housewives and other google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who do not spend any money on domain names, are domain investors to pay them a monthly indian government salary wasting indian tax payer money, at the expense of the real domain investor, a google competitor, who is getting nothing
Financial records will prove that the 10 google, tata sponsored frauds do not spend any money on domain names, yet the indian government is so shameless and hopelessly corrupt, that indian government employees continue to make fake claims wasting indian tax payer money in a major domain, financial fraud which started in 2010