Monthly Archives: July 2022

To continue with her domain ownership fraud, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel paying huge BRIBES to top government officials

People claim that gujju stock broker domain fraudster raw employee amita patel is bribing a top official to continue with her online, financial fraud
One of the reasons the indian rupee is crashing is because corrupt officials are taking huge bribes to commit financial fraud on hardworking exporters. When stock trader amita patel’s domain ownership fraud was exposed on reddit, People claim that gujju stock broker domain fraudster raw employee amita patel is bribing a top official to continue with her online, financial fraud on the real domain investor
Usually for most people, their home state is supporting them, in case of the domain investor, karnataka intelligence is allegedly supporting gujju stock broker domain fraudster raw employee amita patel so that she can get a monthly government salary without investing any money in domains at the expense of the real domain investor, who is making great losses.
So it appears that some top karnataka official is getting massive bribes from gujju stock broker domain fraudster raw employee amita patel so that she is making huge profit, faking domain ownership, while the real domain investor from karnataka, a single woman engineer is making great losses

Any information about the top government official taking bribes from gujju stock trader amita patel is appreciated

Indore robber raw employee deepika/veena openly involved in massive domain ownership fraud since 2010

In one of the greatest government frauds in the world,Dishonest GREEDY LIAR madhya pradesh government has marketed indore top fraud housewife bespectacled ROBBER deepika/veena very well to get her a monthly raw salary at the expense of her relative a domain investor, goa 1989 jee topper.
The shameless Dishonest GREEDY LIAR madhya pradesh government was aware that indore’s top fraud housewife bespectacled ROBBER deepika/veena was only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband mahesh, did not invest money in domains, did not do any work for clients outside india
yet with the help of two well connected mp frauds, puneet from mhow, google employee prakash from bhopal from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay , Dishonest GREEDY LIAR madhya pradesh government has run one of the greatest online, financial fraud in the world since 2010, falsely claiming that indore’s top cheater housewife bespectacled ROBBER deepika/veena who has never invested money in domains, owned the domains of the goa 1989 jee topper, to get the indore robber housewife a monthly raw salary at the expense of the real domain investor
To cover up the massive financial, online fraud, the cunning cheater liar mp government employees have been extremely vicious in slandering and criminally defaming the goa 1989 jee topper, and the greedy goan officials have followed their footsteps to get greedy goan frauds a monthly government salary without doing any computer work, without investing money in domains.
It is an indication of the marketing skills of the Dishonest GREEDY LIAR madhya pradesh government that no one is questioning them on their obviously fake claims regarding indore’s top robber housewife deepika