Monthly Archives: May 2022

Internet sector fails to explain why greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, with revenues of $4.58 million does not purchase domains legally

The tech and internet sector worldwide has ensured that greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, with revenues of $4.58 million has retained her government job faking domain ownership despite refusing to purchase domains or pay any domain expenses since 2013 in a major financial fraud.
Since all democracies offficially claim that citizens have equal rights, the internet sector alledgedly led by google, tata fails to explain why greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, with revenues of $4.58 million (like other fraud government employees) cannot legally purchase the domains from a hardworking single woman engineer, why the single woman alone has to pay all the domain expenses, while greedy gujju stock trader amita patel gets all the powers, monthly government salary for FAKING domain ownership
All other domain investors like hyderabad investor swetha venugala are paying the domain registration, renewal fees, government agencies, internet sector fail to answer why their favorite greedy gujju domain fraudster amita patel refuses to do so
Government agencies fail to explain why they are falsely claiming that greedy gujju stock trader amita patel who does not pay for domains, is a domain investor
One of the best examples of corruption of government agencies is how they are abusing their powers to DUPE people, companies and countries that greedy gujju stock trader amita patel who does not pay for domains, is a domain investor while the real domain investor is criminally defamed in the worst manner, denied a life of dignity