I Just Did a Music Video

Of course this is the only music video that I have ever done and the fact of the matter is that I would not exactly put my name to it if I could. I have worked in video production in Singapore in various roles for about five years, but not any of it was very recent. One day about three weeks ago my boss suddenly showed up in front of my desk and started to chat with me in a rather odd way. It was hard to get a hold on things, but eventually he started to talk about his boss and some guy his boss wanted to do a deal with. Some way or another I was involved in some sort of deal that involved all of this. I was pretty sure I would have preferred not to have anything to do with it, because it was intimated that I should be very much afraid of this guy. They told me he was really jealous and I should be careful around the girl.

That was what this was all about, this lovesick middle aged millionaire and a girl half his age who looks like she just fell out of the sky from heaven. I have no clue how old she really was, but she was one of those girls who looks as though they might be fifteen or sixteen or they might as easily be twenty one years old. The way she dressed did nothing to make her look more mature. I am sure they spent more on her costume and make up than they did on the rest of it. The millionaire sat in a high back director’s chair and told me what he wanted me to do. Most of what he said was nonsense, but I just shot the video.